Martha Cooper – Street Signs

A cura di Antonella Di Lullo

Street Signs espone parte della vastissima produzione della fotografa americana Martha Cooper. Sul finire degli anni settanta a New York percorrendo Alphabet City, tutte le sere diretta al Post per riconsegnare i rullini, Martha Cooper ha avuto il suo primo impatto con quest’universo. Da quel momento fino al 2001, Martha Cooper è riuscita a essere presente nelle situazioni chiave della storia movimento: dai ritratti di DONDI, Skeme, Lady Pink e Zephyr, alla foto di Keith Haring che nel 1982, inginocchiato, ha dato vita al celebre Bowery Mural a New York in Houston Street, al più recente progetto promosso da Tony Goldman che, a partire dal 2009, ha reso Wynwood il quartiere della Street Art di Miami. Un percorso che dagli anni ‘80 approda agli artisti della nuova generazione: i due gemelli brasiliani Os Gemeos, Jr, Obey, HOW & NOSM. Il suo lavoro è riuscito a pieno a mettere a fuoco un movimento che ha visto non solo una grandissima diffusione a livello mondiale ma soprattutto una repentina modifica e allargamento dei suoi parametri artistici.


Street Signs showcases part of the enormous photography collection by the American photographer Martha Cooper. Towards the end of the ‘70s in New York, travelling through Alphabet City every evening to the Post to return her camera films, Martha Cooper had her first encounter with this world. Those run-down houses and empty streets were the favourite stage for many children who chose to play there. In the photos of the series Street Play, what is striking is the energy and the creativity of children depicted in a neighbourhood that, even thoughgoing through a full total urban transformation, was imaginedas a fun playground. And it’s thanks to one of these children that the eye of Martha Cooper will change forever; Edwin will introduce him to one of the “Kings”: DONDI. Since then and until 2001, using film then digital, and making use of the modern technology available on mobile phone’s instant photography, Martha Cooper has been able to be there during the movement’s (intended as Street Art) crucial moments. From the portraits of DONDI, Skeme, Lady Pink and Zephyr; to the pictures of Keith Haring that kneeling down in 1982 gave birth to the famous Bowery Mural in Houston Street, New York; to the most recent project promoted by Tony Goldman that has seen since 2009 Wynwood become the Street Art neighbourhood of Miami. A path that from the ‘80s has reached to the new generation of artists: the two Brazilian twins Os Gemeos, Jr, Obey, HOW & NOSM. Her work has managed to focalise on a movement that has seen a huge global expansion, and that has also seen a rapid change and broadening of its artistic parameters.